What's keeping you up at night?

Strategic planning not working out? Not enough hours in the day to get to your big rocks? Need to utilize data more effectively to drive instruction?

We hear you. Talk to a BRES consultant today to learn if the BRES Effective Coaching Process is right for your school or network.

A short phone call allows our team to:

  • Learn about your school or network's realities and needs
  • Assess big rock areas of service that best fits your school or network
  • Gather information to provide possible solutions

Big Rock Educational Services provides a unique hands-on and collaborative consulting service committed to partnering with K-12 school, district and organizational leaders.

Big rock service areas include:

  • Strategic Planning
  • Time Management
  • Data Driven Instruction
  • Student Culture Systems (school-wide and in-class culture & behavior management)
  • High Impact Instructional Strategies
  • Observation & Feedback Systems and much more




Please fill out the form below to get in touch with us to find out more about our process, our services, and how we can help!

701 Commerce St. Suite 810, Dallas, TX 75202   |   214-704-6686